Exclusive eGuides


Bill360's Fintech and AR Automation eGuide Library

Bill360 was created to help B2B companies achieve long-term success by simplifying their accounts receivable process. One way we do this is through our free eGuides, which are full of information that helps ensure you get paid on time, all the time, and helps keep you up to date on the ever-evolving fintech and automation industries.

MAY 2024

3 Ways AR Automation Reduces Days Sales Outstanding

A high Days Sales Outstanding (DSO) has a negative effect on cash flow and suppresses a B2B company’s ability to grow. It also creates stress in the workplace and can lead to disputes between buyers and sellers.

Download our exclusive eGuide now and learn how AR automation will reduce your DSO and improve your cash flow.

3Ways AR Reduces DSO


Protect Your Business: How to Stop Check Fraud Using AR Automation

Check fraud can be catastrophic to you and your customer – and it’s more rampant than ever before. Our exclusive eGuide explains how AR (accounts receivable) automation can help eliminate check fraud. 

Download the guide now and learn how to protect your business from check fraud.

How to Stop Check Fraud Using AR Automation


5 Reasons for Late B2B Payments. And How AR Automation Fixes Them.

Whether it’s insufficient cash flow or a breakdown in communication, there are many reasons why B2B companies receive overdue payments from customers. 

Download our exclusive eGuide and discover how AR automation resolves these issues and helps ensure customers pay you on time, all the time.

5 Reasons for Late B2B Payments

JULY 2023

Seven Sure-Fire Tips to Improve Business Cash Flow

Achieving effective cash flow management is an essential strategy that every business owner must excel at for sustainable financial success.

Unlock the potential of your business by downloading our exclusive eGuide today and discover how you can create a tangible impact on your bottom line while creating efficiency in our accounting processes.

Seven Sure-Fire Tips to Improve Cash Flow